Menominee Tribal Clinic • W3275 Wolf River Rd • Keshena, WI 54135 • 715-799-3361
Menominee Tribal Clinic • W3275 Wolf River Rd • Keshena, WI 54135 • 715-799-3361
Smoking Cessation Program
Stopping smoking isn’t easy! Our treatment program is here to help you through this process.
If you have withdrawal symptoms when you’ve tried to quit, have health problems relating to your tobacco use, or find it causes issues in your personal life, it’s time to get some help!
If you want to end the harm to you and your family from tobacco, the time to quit is now. Becoming an ex-smoker is difficult, but possible. You can transform your life and we can help you.
We can assist you with quitting any type of commercial tobacco product. We have done research with the help of Menominee people to figure out the best way to help Menominee quit.
Combining the best research in smoking behavior and medicines into individualized programs that will address your dependence on commercial tobacco and help you quit.
We invite you to begin your journey that STARTS when you make your appointment and continues long after you leave.
“It’s time to say goodbye (to commercial tobacco). I have other interests, and dying for you isn’t one of them. I look forward to a better life without you.”
Tracy Hanneman
Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist
Menominee Tribal Clinic
Wellness & Diabetes Program
Phone: 715-799-5435

Brandon Waupekenay
Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist
Menominee Tribal Clinic
Medical Services
Phone: 715-799-6477
Our medical physicians and providers are looking forward to seeing you. Call 715-799-3361 or click here to schedule an appointment with Menominee Tribal Clinic.
After Hours Services
24-Hour NURSES HOTLINE: 1-866-540-6360
If you are in need of medication on weekends and evenings, it is best to call the nurse hotline. If needed, they will contact the doctor on-call. Note that narcotic pain medicines or other high-risk medications are not called in on weekends or evenings.
Find A Provider
View our medical physicians, nurse practitioners, psychiatric consultants, and dentists. Menominee Tribal Clinic is hiring. Visit this section of our website to view provider profiles & bios.