Menominee Tribal Clinic • W3275 Wolf River Rd • Keshena, WI 54135 •  715-799-3361

Menominee Tribal Clinic • W3275 Wolf River Rd • Keshena, WI 54135 •  715-799-3361

Fitness Program

Orientation of clients to the equipment at the Keshena Recreation Fitness Center

Pre-participatory fitness screenings, physical fitness assessments, (including fitness level, cardio-respiratory- VO2, strength, and body composition.) interpret results.

Exercise prescriptions for weight management, cardio-respiratory fitness, and muscle strength and endurance.

Motivational and coaching strategies to healthy individuals and individuals with medically controlled disease and health conditions (diabetes) to support clients to adopt and to improve health related physical fitness, manage health risks, and promote lasting healthy behavior change.

For information Call: 715-799-4067 or 715-799-4639


Our medical physicians and providers are looking forward to seeing you.  Call 715-799-3361 or click here to schedule an appointment with Menominee Tribal Clinic. 

After Hours Services

24-Hour NURSES HOTLINE: 1-866-540-6360


If you are in need of medication on weekends and evenings, it is best to call the nurse hotline. If needed, they will contact the doctor on-call. Note that narcotic pain medicines or other high-risk medications are not called in on weekends or evenings.

Find A Provider

View our medical physicians, nurse practitioners, psychiatric consultants, and dentists.  Menominee Tribal Clinic is hiring. Visit this section of our website to view provider profiles & bios.