Menominee Tribal Clinic • W3275 Wolf River Rd • Keshena, WI 54135 •  715-799-3361

Menominee Tribal Clinic • W3275 Wolf River Rd • Keshena, WI 54135 •  715-799-3361

Billing and Insurance
Frequently Asked Questions

I’m covered under Medicare. Is there anything I should know about my coverage?

We wouldn’t treat medicare coverage different from any other facility. A non Indian would have to pay the co-insurance of 20% and a Native American patient would receive an adjustment on their 20% because we are an Indian Health Service(IHS) facility. 

I am unable to pay the full amount of my bill at this time. Is it possible to make payment arrangements?

Yes, our policy is 10% of the current balance of the patient due amount with a minimum monthly payment of $30 a month.

Will you file claims to my health insurance for my services?

Yes, as a benefit to the patient we will file the insurance claim.

I would like to have some or all of the services associated with a visit treated confidentially so that they are not billed to my insurance. Is this possible?

Yes, simply inform your doctor who is providing the service to you.

What if I have a question regarding my billing statement?

For questions on your statement call 715-799-5489.

My insurance plan requires a co-payment. Will I be required to pay the co-payment when I check-in for my appointment?

If you’re a medial assistance patient you will be required to pay the co-payment before your appointment after you register you will be sent to billing. For all other general insurance patients we balance bill monthly.

Why is my baby getting a statement?

You are getting a statement on your baby until you bring in baby’s enrollment information or baby’s birth certificate linking one or both of the parents as Native American.

Is the Clinic open during the Noon Hour?


What OTC (Over the Counter) items can I purchase at the clinic?


Our medical physicians and providers are looking forward to seeing you.  Call 715-799-3361 or click here to schedule an appointment with Menominee Tribal Clinic. 

After Hours Services

24-Hour NURSES HOTLINE: 1-866-540-6360


If you are in need of medication on weekends and evenings, it is best to call the nurse hotline. If needed, they will contact the doctor on-call. Note that narcotic pain medicines or other high-risk medications are not called in on weekends or evenings.

Find A Provider

View our medical physicians, nurse practitioners, psychiatric consultants, and dentists.  Menominee Tribal Clinic is hiring. Visit this section of our website to view provider profiles & bios.